Szechuan House Burnaby

Szechuan House, Burnaby 4394 Imperial St - Burnaby

• Asian
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74 /100
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Ratings of Szechuan House

Last update on 09/08/2023
71 Reviews


Last update on 08/06/2023
6 Reviews


Restaurant guru
Last update on 22/09/2020
144 Reviews


Last update on 18/08/2020
3 Reviews


Thea Speicher
Best Szechuan food this side of heaven. Wonderful flavors. None of the dishes disappoint although we do have our favorites like the pea jelly and the white fish in spicy oil.
Jan 27, 2016
Tyler P.
This is an interesting place.

My wife and I were hungry and driving home from the ferry and just kind of saw this place and went "we should get some take out".  I checked the reviews and they were mixed but went in and perused the menu.  She wanted ginger beef so I asked if they had ginger beef and got laughed at.  I was minorly embarrassed as a silly white person but asked for a recommendation and was told the Kung Po Chicken was good.  I ordered that, hot and sour soup, and tan tan noodles.  The interior of the restaurant is quite simple - white tablecloths, not too much decoration. 

Anyway, the food was interesting.  Hot and sour soup is my favourite usually and this was probably 7/10 - well made, a little different, maybe a little too peppery for my tastes.  The Kung Po Chicken I am having a lot of trouble deciding my own opinion on.  My wife didn't like it but I found the spicy oily sauce to be super interesting.  I keep going back for more with the leftovers.  The chicken is sort of scrappy but not necessarily in a bad way.  It kind of benefits the dish.  I feel like there is some kind of careful traditional history to the way it was prepared and that I am learning to overcome my opinions of what I like or dislike in a dish.  The peanuts and spice were very good and complex.  It tastes like something I could easily crave and never find a similar alternative for.  The tan tan noodles were decent.

Anyway, I could easily see someone disliking this place, or someone else loving it, which explains the reviews.  I think I like it - despite the slight rudeness, scrappy chicken, peppery tendencies, it's still something special and that puts it above pleasant but bland chinese food that can be found everywhere.
Oct 19, 2015
Tulip ?
Very good spicy fish!
Sep 19, 2014
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SZECHUAN HOUSE, BURNABY - 4394 Imperial St - Menu and Prices

Our aggregate rating, “Sluurpometro”, is 74 based on 284 parameters and reviews

If you need to contact by phone, call the number +1 604-439-3029



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